Term 1 Week 8 Newsletter
From the Principal
Dear Calwell Families,
It’s hard to believe we are in the final few weeks of first term. We have a number of activities planned which we hope our students will enjoy participating in before the Easter break.
Team Calwell Day Friday - 25 March
All students are invited to wear their team Calwell t-shirts this Friday to highlight our positive school spirit.
Well-Being Wednesday - 30 March
On Wednesday 30 March we will be focussing on well-being. The aim of the day is to highlight the importance of looking after ourselves and others, particularly in the current climate of a world pandemic and a time that feels a little uncertain. Classes will engage in a variety of activities and teachers will be talking with their students about healthy eating, engaging in physical activity, having a positive mindset and the importance of family and friends. We will be sending home a ‘well-being bag’ to every family filled with resources and community contacts for families. These bags have been funded by the Parent Engagement Grant we received last year.
Funky Friday 8 April
To end the term with some fun we have planned Funky Friday on 8 April. Students are invited to come to school with crazy hair and wear a funky or crazy outfit. Staff will be joining in the spirit so get your thinking caps on. There will be a sausage sizzle lunch on the day (a note has been sent home today for orders) and staff are planning a range of fun activities for the last day of term. To support the Red Cross Flood Appeal students are asked to bring a gold coin donation.
Year 2 Water Safety Program
If you would like your child in year 2 to participate in this program, please ensure you complete the online registration available on Seesaw and return permission notes to the front office as soon as possible. The program will run daily in week 10.
Term 1 Checklist Reports
The term 1 checklist reports will be sent home in week 10. These reports are designed to give a snapshot overview of how your child/ren have settled into the new school year. Class teachers will indicate if they would like to meet with parents/carers early next term before the comprehensive Mid-Year Reports are sent home at the end of first semester.
Help with Lost Property
Lost property that does not have a name tag to help us find the owner will be donated to charity at the end of the term if the item is not claimed. Class teachers will help students to find lost items. If you are able to assist in washing items ready to be donated, please contact the Front Office on 61421900 this week.
Linda Neeson
Calwell CARES
Notes Home/Due & Dates to Remember
A reminder for parent's to please download the SZapp to view our Newsletters and upcoming events. If you access the calendar and click on the date on an excursion/incursion permission notes are attached to re-print if needed.
- Book Club due back Thursday 24th March
- Team Calwell Day Friday 25th March
- Funky Friday notes due back Wednesday 6th April
- Mother's Day notes due back Thursday 28th April
- Years 3/4 and 5/6 Personal Development Day note due back Wednesday 18th May
- School Photos
Tuesday 3rd May Magpies, Rosellas, K-6 and siblings
Friday 6th May Cockatoos and siblings
- Mother's Day Stall
Monday 2nd May Magpies, Rosellas, K-6
Thursday 5th May Cockatoos
We are looking for volunteers for washing the second hand uniforms and to assist with the Mother's Day Stall. If you are available please contact the front office on 6142 1900.
The preschool children are engaging in prewriting experiences to develop their pencil grip, fine motor skills, finger and muscle strength. Opportunities such as pattern writing, threading, using scissors/tweezers, playdough, drawing and painting are some of the ways the preschool program supports children to develop their early writing skills.
In Kindergarten we have begun learning about 2D shapes and their characteristics. We now know that 2D shapes are flat, have different sides and different corners depending on the shape. They can be found in our daily lives. Here we are looking for shapes in our playground - 2D shapes were there all along and we only just realised! We found squares, circles, triangles and rectangles. Can you see them?
Years 1 / 2 have been exploring Place Value and how numbers can be partitioned into ones, tens, hundreds and even thousands. The students have been constructing numbers with tens frames, MAB blocks and ICT resources and then writing the matching numeral, considering how many of each value are present. They have enjoyed playing games around place value, such as Race to the Long or Flat and online games.
As part of our inquiry unit students have been researching the ships of the First Fleet. They have learnt about the people on the ships, some of the mischief the convicts and sailors got up to and discovered what each ship carried.
Students in 5/6 have been using arrays to build their number sense around multiplication. Their ‘how many cupcakes'challenge highlighted strategies based on distributive and associative properties. Some students chose to use doubling strategies, some used compensation (making a ‘friendlier’ number to multiply) and some used distributive strategies.
As part of our Narrative writing unit, students have been looking at how imagery and emotive language is used in texts to help readers connect with the characters in a story.