Term 1 Week 10 Newsletter
From the Principal
Dear Calwell Families,
This is our final week of Term 1 and it has certainly had its challenges and successes. I’m pleased to note that we have maintained our educational program with minimal disruption despite the impact of COVID. I would like to take the opportunity to thank all members of the community, staff, parents/carers and students for continuing to support the COVID safe practices we have in place to minimise the impact of illness and associated absences on the operation of the school.
Well-Being Wednesday
Thank you to the families who contacted staff about the value of Well-being Wednesday and the information that was sent home. Next term we will maintain a focus on our Social-Emotional and Well-being Program. The two Executive teachers, Emma Vince and Alyssa Owen will be working with classes across the school delivering lessons which will be followed up by class teachers and students working in their Well-being Journals.
Camp Australia - Before & After School Care
Before & After School Care as well as the Term 1 Holiday Program has been a topic of discussion within the community over the past few weeks. I would like to clarify that the Before & After School Care Program is operated by Camp Australia and while the school works closely with them, legal contracts required for the Before & After School Care and holiday programs are negotiated by the Education Directorate and the provider organisation. As principal I have always actively supported these programs and the use of the facilities at Calwell Primary for the benefit of the school community. The opportunity for the holiday program for this term to operate at Calwell was not held up through any inaction on my part or that of the school, unfortunately the checks and balances which needed to be followed did not enable the process to be completed in time for Camp Australia to be able to change the site from where they would run their program. I am however pleased to let the community know that as of the next holiday break the holiday program will operate at Calwell PS.
Wacky Friday
We are all looking forward to celebrating the end of a term that has continued to see students, staff and the community operate in a restricted environment. Students are invited to come to school dressed in a crazy, clothing and hair. We have a staff student soccer game planned, and some relaxed afternoon classroom activities to lead us into a well-deserved break.
I would like to thank all the staff at Calwell Primary for their commitment to our students and families and working tirelessly to ensure our school has been able to continue to meet the needs of our students despite the hurdles placed in the way. Congratulations Team Calwell - job well done!
We wish all families an enjoyable break and look forward to welcoming everyone back on Tuesday 26 April.
Linda Neeson
Calwell CARES
Notes Home/Due & Dates to Remember
A reminder for parent's to please download the SZapp to view our Newsletters and upcoming events. If you access the calendar and click on the date on an excursion/incursion permission notes are attached to re-print if needed.
- Funky Friday notes due back Wednesday 6th April
- Cross Country notes due back Wednesday 27th April
- Mother's Day notes due back Thursday 28th April
- Years 3/4 and 5/6 Personal Development Day note due back Wednesday 18th May
- Cross Country Carnival 8-12 year olds
Wednesday 4th May
- School Photos
Tuesday 3rd May Magpies, Rosellas, K-6 and siblings
Friday 6th May Cockatoos and siblings
- Mother's Day Stall
Monday 2nd May Magpies, Rosellas, K-6
Thursday 5th May Cockatoos
We are looking for volunteers for washing the second hand uniforms and to assist with the Mother's Day Stall. If you are available please contact the front office on 6142 1900.
Preschool have been enjoying the Autumn weather and engaging in active play and building gross motor skills in our outdoor learning environment. Each day we start our morning outside moving our bodies. As we end the term, children have established strong friendships and increasingly engage in cooperative group games. We are observing the children create new games with agreed rules and negotiated storylines. Our time outside in nature also fosters creative and imaginative play. Preschoolers have been busy role playing camping adventures, lost explorers and even going on bear hunts. Many children enjoy packing the preschool backpacks to take supplies on their imaginative adventures. Ask your child if they have packed a backpack and been on an adventure with their friends.
This week in Kindergarten students have enjoyed sharing their “good fit books” with a peer during partner reading. Students have recently learnt that there are 3 ways to read a book: 1. We can look at the pictures. 2. We can read the words. 3. We can retell the story. By using these strategies students will continue to build their reading stamina during Readers Workshop.
Over the past few weeks 1/2 has been learning about recounts. We have learned that a recount has an orientation, a sequence of events and a conclusion. A good recount also includes language such as first, next and last, and adjectives. We wrote recounts based on videos and personal experiences. Students have also been practising using capital letters, finger spaces and full stops.
This week the students have been collecting data and representing it in different forms, such as picture graphs and column graphs. They are focusing on ensuring they include a title, labelled axis and a scale/key. We will also be looking at interpreting data and knowing what graph to use for which data.
Students in Year 5/6 have spent the week polishing and presenting their Federation exposition speeches. They have worked hard to find supporting evidence and write persuasively and with passion to convince their audience that their opinion is correct. They have also been learning to select and apply different strategies to answer complex math problems. For visual art, students have also been looking at different styles of art, such as Aboriginal and silhouette artworks.