Term 2 Week 2 Newsletter
From the Principal
Dear Calwell Families,
Changes to Covid Safety Arrangements
ACT Health recently relaxed Covid safety measures in the ACT. However, as you will be aware restrictions remain in place at schools for at least the first two weeks. The Education Directorate is reviewing these restrictions and we expect to hear soon that there will be a relaxation of some restrictions in schools soon. Here at Calwell during Term 2 we anticipate:
- student only junior and senior assemblies
- the CARES Room (our supervised alternate play space) will be available for years 3-6 on Tues & Thurs and K, 1, 2 on Mon, Wed, Fri.
- parents/carers will be able to come into the school grounds in designated areas for drop-off and pick-up
- we will be able to meet with parents/carers face-to-face by appointment
- a small number of volunteers (who hold a Working with Vulnerable Peoples Card and are appropriately vaccinated) will be able to assist with reading, clubs and specific activities
As you will appreciate changes may need to be made, potentially at short notice, if there is a spike in Covid cases in the school.
Cross Country Carnival
The school’s X-Country Carnival is this week, and regrettably as COVID restrictions have not been lifted in schools yet family members will not be able to attend the carnival this year. Photos of the event will be shared on Face Book and Seesaw.
Congratulations to the following students who have been elected as Sports House Captains ready for the carnival: Tidbinbilla - Alice J, Jamie N, Isabelle A, Brodey L
Booromba - Kaeden R, Taylor T, Levi W, Sara L
Gingera - Gabe L, Jacob G, Savannah L, Dyllan H
Coree - Kasch S, Billy M, Eloise V, Millie H
Car Park Pick-up
With changed Covid safety measures coming we have reviewed afternoon pick-up arrangements. While it is an additional duty, staff have agreed to continue to support pick-up for Kinder to Year 2 students in the car park area. Parking in the car park will still be restricted to staff vehicles only. Years 4-6 students being collected by car will continue to line up in front of the school hall.
Pupil Free Days
In recognition of teachers working in a changing and challenging work environment over the past two and a half years the ACT Education Directorate has offered teachers two pupil free days this term. This acknowledgment of the difficulties and additional work that staff have been experiencing as a result of the pandemic has been received positively and is appreciated.
Teachers at Calwell understand that many families will find keeping their children home for two pupil free days very challenging. As a staff we have considered the impact on our families and have decided to manage these pupil free days a little differently. We will have only one pupil free day on Friday 24 June. Our hope is that with sufficient notice, you will be able to make arrangements to keep your children home on that day. Children of essential workers can of course still attend school and will be supervised. To ensure that our teachers still have a second pupil free day we have designed an internal roster where pairs of teachers will be released from face-to-face teaching over the next three weeks to undertake assessment and planning tasks. When teachers are on their allocated pupil free day their class will be supervised by other staff in the school.
The leadership team and teachers at Calwell value the partnership between parents/carers and we hope this action will be seen by our community as an example of our commitment to working in the best interests of our students and school community.
2023 Preschool Enrolments
We have started to receive preschool enrolment requests for next year. If you have a child turning four before the 30 April 2023, you are encouraged to complete and submit the online enrolment application for preschool as soon as possible. If you have any questions or require assistance, please contact the office on 61421900.
Before & After School Care
We are aware that families are experiencing difficulty in making bookings with our provider Camp Australia, and that in some instances bookings have been cancelled at short notice. After school care providers are also experiencing difficulties with staffing due to general staff shortages and the impact of Covid. The school, in partnership with the Education Directorate who manages this service are working hard to engage with Camp Australia to find solutions that will have the least impact on families who rely on this service. Please email me directly with feedback or concerns so I can work with the various stakeholders to help address the current challenges. Linda.neeson@ed.act.edu.au
Linda Neeson
Calwell CARES
Gold Awards
Notes Home/Due & Dates to Remember
A reminder for parent's to please download the SZapp to view our Newsletters and upcoming events. If you access the calendar and click on the date on an excursion/incursion permission notes are attached to re-print if needed.
- Book Club due back Friday 13th May
- Years 3/4 and 5/6 Personal Development Day note due back Wednesday 18th May
- Cross Country Carnival 8-12 year olds
Wednesday 4th May
- School Photos
Tuesday 3rd May Magpies, Rosellas, K-6 and siblings
Friday 6th May Cockatoos, siblings and catch up portraits
- Mother's Day Stall
Thursday 5th May Cockatoos
We are looking for volunteers for washing the second hand uniforms. If you are available please contact the front office on 6142 1900.
At preschool, we have been investigating what Belonging means.
Knowing where and with whom you belong is integral to human existence. Children first belong to family, a neighbourhood and a wider community. Relationships are crucial to a sense of belonging. It is central to being and becoming in that it shapes who children are and can become. (Early Learning Years Framework)
This week in Kindergarten students listened to a reading of ‘The Rainbow Fish’ to promote Social and Emotional Learning (SEL). We discussed the different emotions that the fish felt throughout the story. Students learnt about the importance of sharing and how to be kind to one another. Here are some of our unique Rainbow Fish artworks. Enjoy!
Years One and Two have been busy exploring length this week. They have been learning about informal units of measurement and using these to measure objects in the classroom. Some students used shoes, counters, cubes even themselves to compare the lengths of objects! The students have been highly engaged in this learning and are understanding the need to have uniform units with no gaps.
This week we have been learning about homophones (words that sound the same but have a different spelling). Students picked a homophone pair and created posters to illustrate the differences.
Year 6 have been busy settling in to their new classroom environment, working cooperatively to create a shared positive culture for learning. They have enjoyed being together as a Year 6 group, while continuing their learning. Students have begun writing their historical fiction narratives, based on the migrant experience. Their stories link with their Inquiry learning on migrant experiences and the development of Australia. Students have jumped back into Readers Workshop by exploring making predictions of different texts, throughout their reading journeys. In Maths, the class have investigated different strategies to calculate complex multiplication problems using written and mental strategies.