Term 2 Week 6 Newsletter
From the Principal
Dear Calwell Families,
It has been great to welcome family members back into the school for assemblies. And we are looking forward to increasing the opportunities for parent/carers to come into the school as the year progresses.
Mid-Year Reporting
We are looking forward to holding parent teacher interviews in Week 10 - 27th June to 1st August, with late afternoon interviews on Wednesday 29th June. Interviews will be held at school. Parent/carers will be able to book a meeting with class teachers through an online booking system. This message is to give prior notice, we will be sending a user name and a password home next week.
Positive Behaviour for Learning
Our PBL expectations at Calwell Primary are to be a safe, respectful, learner. Sadly, we are starting to notice that a small number of students are not meeting these expectations. In recent weeks we have heard unacceptable language, and when challenged, students say as they changed the first letter of the word, it is no longer ‘rude’. It is also being reported that one or two students are making racist remarks to others.
Interrupting teaching and learning, unsafe behaviours and treating peers and staff in a disrespectful manner is unacceptable and consequences will be implemented, particularly when behaviour is repeated. Consequences include working in another classroom or in the admin building under supervision of a member of the leadership team, designated areas of play, supervised break times or removal from the playground for a period. A suspension from school is used for major behaviours as identified in the PBL Matrix and repeated non-compliance. All incidents are logged on the PBL data base which enables us to track how often a student is involved in incidents and what type of incident. We are then able to provide support students and interventions for the students who are repeatedly having difficulty in class or on the playground.
We make every effort to support students to make positive choices. Our Social Emotional and Learning Asset Programs are designed to teach students how to build positive relationships and develop appropriate social skills. We value the support that families provide when requested, as early intervention at primary school helps students develop self- control and self- management skills which are essential in setting them up for success in future years.
Student & Staff Well-Being
Thank you for your continued support in keeping your child/ren home when they are unwell. We are managing to keep all programs going at present despite some teacher absences. Students are not expected to complete school work when they are sick, and teachers are not required to prepare and/or provide individual learning packs for absent students. Parent/carers can go to the Education Directorates portal to access work appropriate for their children https://sites.google.com/ed.act.edu.au/act-home-learning/home
if they wish and students can access their class Seesaw and programs such as Reading Eggs and Study Ladder. If a student will be absent for an extended period of time and they are unable to access a device at home arrangement can be made by calling the school on 61421900.
Linda Neeson
CARES Awards
PBL Awards
Calwell Primary Cross-Country
Notes Home/Due & Dates to Remember
A reminder for parent's to please download the SZapp to view our Newsletters and upcoming events. If you access the calendar and click on the date on an excursion/incursion permission notes are attached to re-print if needed.
- Kindy Health Checks Thursday 2nd June
- Year 3/4D Assembly Friday 3rd June
- Christian Education in Schools Tuesday 7th June
- State of Origin dress up day Wednesday 8th June
- 1/2L Assembly Friday 10th June
- Book Club due back Thursday 16th June
We are looking for volunteers to wash second hand uniforms. If you are willing to assit please contact the front office on 6142 1900.
This term Kindergarten students have been using their increasing knowledge of letters and sounds to participate in spelling activities. Students are also using a variety of manipulatives to explore the different words that we can read and write
Activities include:
- Letter formation with playdough
- Roll, Say, Cover!
- CVC detectives
- Secret CVC words
Years one and two have been learning about all aspects of writing a narrative this term. They started by carefully planning their characters, settings and the events in their story. They then wrote, edited and published their orientation, complication and resolution using word processing software on their chromebooks. This involved learning how to use the keyboard to make capital letters, as well as insert punctuation such as question and exclamation marks. The students enjoyed the process and are very proud of their narratives. Final versionS are coming soon to Seesaw – keep an eye out!
Over the past two weeks students have been working hard on their Rostrum speeches. Each student presented to their class and selected students presented their speech at the unit final.
Year 5 students have been researching and writing interviews from the perspective of different migrant groups from Australia’s history, particularly those who migrated post-WWII, Vietnamese refugees and displaced Irish people after the potato famine. Some chose to include props and costumes to embody their character and deliver a thoughtful and historically accurate performance.
In Science Year 6 have been learning about earthquakes. This week they used a hard boiled egg and moved the shell in three different ways according to how tectonic plates move - convergent, divergent and transform.