Term 3 Week 4 Newsletter
From the Principal
Dear Calwell Community,
Last Friday I had the pleasure of attending my first assembly at Calwell Primary School. The Year 5/6’s did a wonderful job at sharing and showcasing their learning. It was great to see so many parents and relatives there to watch. Congratulations 5/6 students and teachers. You all did a really good job.
The assembly was also an opportunity for me to see how student achievement is recognised at the school. The Calwell CARES Awards are a really important way of recognising students who demonstrate the expected values and behaviours for our community. The awards recognise our students who have demonstrated an area of the Calwell CARES culture. Congratulations to all of those students who received one of these awards last week.
CARES is an acronym for Caring, Attitude, Resilience, Environment and Success.
Teachers, Leaders and support staff encourage our community to embrace the CARES Culture. This culture supports and encourages students to form friendships, develop a sense of individual responsibility, care and contribute to our environment, seek solutions to problems, to bounce back after adversity, celebrate achievement and develop a thirst for learning. The culture encourages students to develop self-discipline with an appreciation and understanding of the needs of others. It helps our students to develop skills and understandings that will enable them to become successful members of the community.
These awards along with Positive Behaviour for Learning awards are a great way of recognising all the positive learning that is happening everyday.
This week we are trialling some different play areas for Year 3/4 and Year 5/6. We have noticed that Soccer and Footy games are very popular and the kids mainly use the top playing field for this. We are trialling opening up the bottom oval for some groups to also play ball sports. This is to ease the congestion on the top oval.
Our classes are looking forward to Book Week which begins on Monday 21st August. It’s great to see so many books coming into the school as donations towards the book swap. The Book Week assembly will be held on Friday of Week 6 at 9.15am. Reminders will be sent home through Seesaw about this.
Thanks to those parents who were able to come in and meet with me for morning or afternoon tea. I’m hoping to do this once a term so please come along if you have a spare half an hour or so.
Kind Regards
Ben Roberts
Calwell CARES
Gold Awards
Notes Home/Due & Dates to Remember
A reminder for parent's to please download the SZapp to view our Newsletters and upcoming events. If you access the calendar and click on the date on an excursion/incursion permission notes are attached to re-print if needed.
- Hot Food Friday 11th August
- Chief Miister's Reading Challenge finishes Friday 11th August
- Special Pizza Lunch notes due back Wednesday 16th August
- Special Pizza Lunch Cockatoos, K-6 Friday 18th August
- No Hot Food Friday on the 18th August due to Special Pizza Lunch
- Regional Athletics Carnival Monday 21st August
- Year 2 Aqua Safe notes and online registration due Monday 21st August
- Book Week dress up Magpies and Rosellas Tuesday 22nd August
- Book Week dress up Cockatoos, K-6 Friday 25th August
- Fathers Day Stall notes due back Friday 25th August
Donations for Breakfast Club can be left at the front office. Examples include margarine/butter, vegemite and Jam.
Caring for Country is the Preschool’s focus for term 3. We are building upon our knowledge our world, through a sustainability lens. Already, the three classes have started to learn about life cycles of plants, categorising books into imagination or information texts, learning to count to five in Wiradjuri language, recycling materials for use in box construction, how to use a microscope, caring for the bulbs we planted last term, using role play to retell our favourite stories and creating native animals from straw and wool. We are excited to share the next phase of your child’s preschool year as we continue to watch them grow into independent life long learners.
Kindergarten have been learning about sequencing the beginning middle and end of stories to develop their reading comprehension. To help grow this strategy we have been ordering every day nursey rhymes into the beginning middle and end categorise. This term in Inquiry we are looking at what makes a place special, and it’s features. Many of the children have said school is a special place because that’s where their friends are. To explore this learning, the students have been making a map of the school and labelling its features.
1/2 have been learning about Geography and looking at places on different scales (local, state, national and global). The students have been engaging with Google Earth as well as making their own Earths. On Wednesday, 1/2 were treated to an exciting 'guest' as part of their Geography unit and the connections people have to certain places. Mr Beattie wore a traditional scottish kilt to show his connection to Scotland. The students learnt about some of the key components of a kilt; Sporran, Sgian Dubh, Kilt Pin. 1/2 even found out why you keep a Sgian Dubh in your sock! Students then had the opportunity to begin to design and create their own Tartan.
In Mathematics we have been learning about symmetry. Symmetry is when a shape or object has two identical halves that match each other. Students went on a symmetry hunt around the school searching for symmetrical shapes/objects in nature. They then had the opportunity to create symmetrical patterns using 2D blocks. These patterns were then shared between students where they identified the line of symmetry in each design. Students enjoyed uploading there creations to Seesaw.